ISO9001 Certification: Warm congratulations for Egood company passed ISO9001 Quality Management System certification

On 13th April, 2016, its a special day for Egood partition company. Because its a new step and new phase that Egood finally got the ISO9001 certification after inspectors several months’ investigation and inspection. Egood has become the first manufacturer in Foshan city, the third in Guangdong Province who get the ISO certification in partition industrial. 




Egood is a professional partition manufacturer which provide the pre-designing, production, decorative finishing, panel acoustic treatment, project management and after sales warranty one-stop business solution services. For months, we was interrogated and inspected by ISO inspector from proposal design drawing, design philosophy,panel specification, raw materials quality, Certification and test report, production progress etc...... even the supplier list. After all, it proves that Egood product complete accord with International standard.  















ISO 9001 just like a Double guarantee to provide the reason why client have to choose Egood movable partition company. Fact proves again that Egood is the movable partition Industry gold standard. 




Egood movable partition , absolutely your right choice!


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